If you are interested in the world of decoration, architecture and interior design, if you see artistic taste in yourself and you have a great desire to beautify your living environment, and you also want to make more fundamental changes in your home or work environment, be sure to read this article.

Please read this practical article focused on easy interior design and home décor tips and trends.

All human beings want peace in their depths. This must be done for everyone, if not elsewhere, at least at home. It is at home that the energy lost during the day can be replaced. Gathering family members, chatting, and simple things like this help us humans put our daily tiredness out of the house and get ready for tomorrow. The interior of the house can be an inexhaustible source of vitality and tranquility, provided that we observe some subtle details that are also very effective. Sometimes paying attention to small points leads to big results.

Today, the importance of proper interior design of home and work environment and its impact on increasing productivity and creating a sense of comfort is undeniable. Although the use of rebar and rabbits and subsequently plaster or cement has been common in our country for many years, but during this period, the interior design, especially the design of the roof decoration has undergone many changes. In the past, these designs all had a specific framework, the use of regular shapes, regular polygons, circles or ovals or a combination of these shapes was very common, but today, interior designers try to use less symmetry, or to put it better, classical styles are gradually being replaced. Have given themselves to modern styles.

Paying attention to the interior space and the way and division of plans plays an important role in the architectural structure of a building. Spatial design with high flexibility and variety in terms of layout and arrangement of surfaces can accept different functions, while the audience will feel more satisfied with the space. The use of lightweight and portable separators, transparency, color schemes tailored to existing needs, variety of materials, attention to the placement and interaction between different spaces are among the features that along with the special structure for an architectural plan. Intended, it can add to its richness and even solve some of its problems. Interior architecture plays a major role in the quality of the building space. How to arrange and divide the space, material and color of surface coverings (floor, ceiling and walls), lighting, furniture and other effective factors determine the beauty and efficiency of interior spaces. Today, the effect of interior architecture on comfort (set of neural norms), efficiency (in office spaces), effectiveness (in commercial spaces) seems very obvious and necessary. On the other hand, interior architecture is very important in terms of psychological criteria. The level of security, intimacy, excitement and calm in a space can be enhanced or weakened with appropriate solutions. It should be known that each human being has a special mental and spiritual affiliation that meeting their needs is a priority in interior architecture.

The subject of interior design and decoration is of special importance and is taught as a separate discipline in many universities and scientific centers. Various patterns and ideas, both modern and classical, are used by the designers of this field, and the architectural limitations in the field of execution are usually unknown, and their ambitious ideas can be embodied, perhaps in some way. Extensively, the subject is the activity of various artistic disciplines, from sculpture to reliefs. The advancement of technology, due to the facilitation of a number of installation and executive issues on the one hand, and the high diversity and efficiency of the products offered, has created a favorable and efficient environment at the community level; An excuse that considers the issue of interior design as an integral part of architectural spaces. Interior architecture and attention to detail and decoration, after decades of silence and oblivion, has found a new approach and, more interestingly, it tries to express manifestations of past architecture in combination with modern patterns; An issue that has been debated in architecture for years and so far no results have been achieved. Our past architecture is full of subtleties and details that contain thousands of ideas and creativity. Interior decorations and tiles with their special proportions and colors along with the interior body, evoke a mysterious space and now retains its spatial value. An interior designer is responsible for the design, decoration and function of the client’s space, whether it is a commercial space or Industrial and residential. He works closely with architects and employers to decide on the structure of a space, the needs of its users, and the best style for both. This profession is a combination of engineering and art and requires a unique mind to properly use both disciplines.

In addition to identifying colors, products, and furniture, furniture should have the skill of talking to the employer and accepting orders, and know how to execute and maintain the elements that represent the space. He must also know the structure of space. This factor distinguishes the designer from the knowledge required by the decorator. The interior designer must be able to plan and execute the project, make functional decisions and work with the contractor and the employer, and have everything done according to their own wishes. For this purpose, he must balance his taste with that of his employer and take into account most of his employer. This factor may be disappointing at first for those who want to enter the profession. Especially those who want to start their own design before the construction of a building is completed. These two issues indicate that they need to be proficient in initial design and information processing and scheduling. This principle surprises many real designers who expect to be less influenced by the executive and technical rules about the creation of a space and its general sense. Successful people in the industry say that the ability to balance performance with beauty determines the success of an interior designer. Despite the complexity of the work, those who can handle it well are very satisfied. What should always be considered is that any interior space, whether workplace, leisure or residence, can be beautified; You just have to use the principles and factors of proper organization plus a little taste to create the right conditions. Getting started in space design and decoration should be free of mental aspects and unrealistic fantasies. The first approach to the problem needs to be done by considering the objectives and possibilities. Building a house in a dream is easy, but in practice it is hard and difficult! In the meantime, the aim is always to provide a way for the imagination, like other factors, to be rationally regulated and to take the form of a constructive element. Due to several factors involved in the formation of a temporary plan, the implementation of the work requires a precise and regular plan. Step-by-step and calculated progress reduces waste of time and money and thus makes the work productive, so in the executive plan, several factors need to be considered.


The first element that should be considered in the beginning is the function and how to use the interior space. A four-wall can be used as a bedroom, living room, children’s room, kitchen, gym, shop or office of a certain person for a specific activity…. It is necessary to divide by using factors such as lighting and furniture arrangement to determine the exact function of each.


The needs of a large family are not the same as the needs of a single individual. The presence of young children forcibly dictates a certain type of decoration. The psychological characteristics of family members and the time they spend together or separately at home are also important factors in home decoration, so it is necessary to have the tastes of all family members.


Considering the comfort of the inhabitants of the house is more important than the beauty in the decoration. A beautiful but unusable room is gradually becoming a place of ghosts! Work or living place, if it does not provide suitable and comfortable conditions, with a heavy and boring space will make people run away from themselves. The main role of architecture and interior decoration is in fact creating a suitable environment for living and human activities.


The view of the room, the amount of natural light and the architectural features of the building are other factors that should be considered before decorating. These factors form fixed components that cannot be changed after the work of others, so the composition should be done in this way. He said that the positive aspects of these features should be used to the maximum.


Doing work, whether in a new building or changing the decor of an old building, should be done by considering the shape of the space and implementing its plan. Drawing a map is one of the most essential steps. Furniture or changing the color on the map is simple and inexpensive, but making any mistake after finishing the work at the cost of additional costs and rework. The map not only shows the usable space in advance, but also helps with the number and size of furniture. Also specified the requirements. the light In mapping areas from which natural light shines in and dark areas, as well as the number of skylights and lampshades, it is necessary to determine their exact location by specifying the calculation of public swimming and places that need more light to study or work. It is special.


The main surfaces of the room include the ceiling, floor and walls; Curtains, sofas and chairs, doors and windows are also smaller surfaces. Color, pattern, texture is effective in making the room look big or small. Tangled patterns and bright colors on the mentioned levels will attract more attention and will make the space crowded and small. Nooks, shelves, sash, porches, ponds and gardens are just a few of the physical elements of interior design in Iran. The method of past Iranian architects in using these elements was in order to reduce the attractiveness of the form and add to the richness of the space. This is the geometry with the decorations.

It seems that interior design in Iran, on the one hand, is trapped in the circle of nostalgia for old ledges, shelves and chairs, and on the other hand, has been reduced to the decoration and dramatic and decorative dimensions of spaces. However, interior design is a process that must simultaneously organize the aesthetic and functional aspects. The interior design of a building is a story in which the main character is a human being; In the meantime, his presence in this space, how it is and the characteristics of the space in which man is placed, can be reminiscent of the principles mentioned above.